Presentation by Ivory Kelly, M.A. at the 2nd Belize National Research Conference, 2019.
Although Kriol is Belize’s lingua franca and a standardized lexicon and dictionary have been available since 2007, so far only a paltry amount of serious literary works has been published in Kriol. In this paper I outline some of the compelling reasons why Belizeans should produce contemporary literature in Kriol and why Kriol should be elevated to a written national language. I demonstrate that it is now quite possible for writers to produce Kriol literature of the highest contemporary standards—literary works that tackle modern-day problems and appeal to readers of even the most cosmopolitan tastes. Furthermore, I share some of the choices I made and strategies I utilized in translating into Belize Kriol a contemporary short story I originally wrote in English. Finally, the paper outlines related questions or areas of research that might be pursued by linguists and other scholars.
Key words: contemporary Belizean literature, Kriol, linguistics, identity